Ali Roshanravan Ali Roshanravan

Real Estate Purchase and Sale

Buying a house is a significant investment, if not the most significant investment, for most individuals and families

Buying a house is a significant investment, if not the most significant investment, for most individuals and families. The expertise of a lawyer/notary is required in the closing stages of the purchase and sale transaction. Our team at Gold Seal Notary will take care of all of the documents pertaining to your transaction. Our goal is to guide you through the process and answer your questions about the procedure to complete your transaction as smoothly as possible.

Conveyance is defined as an instrument that transfers an estate or interest in property from one person to another. Property could be residential or commercial real estate; a small business; or personal property. When buying real estate, at the closing of the transaction, a title transfer is completed to legally transfer ownership from the seller to the buyer. Other scenarios where a title transfer may also be required include: when a person wants to refinance their property; if there has been a separation between the parties who own the property; and/or if a property owner wants to add a spouse or other family member to title or remove a name from title.

Examples of real property conveyance: 

  • Purchase of a marketed property for value 

  • Refinancing a property

  • Transfer from husband alone to husband and wife (usually no consideration –commonly referred to as a “family transfer”)

  • Transmission to surviving joint tenant in the event of the death of one owner 

  • Transfer from an individual to his or her corporate entity

  • Transfer of a leasehold property 

  • Transfer of a manufactured home

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Ali Roshanravan Ali Roshanravan

Mortgage Refinancing

Refinancing is the process of obtaining a new mortgage in an effort to reduce monthly payments, lower your interest rates

Refinancing is the process of obtaining a new mortgage in an effort to reduce monthly payments, lower your interest rates, take cash out of your home for large purchases, or change mortgage companies. Most people refinance when they have equity on their home, which is the difference between the amount owed to the mortgage company and the worth of the home. The first loan is paid off, allowing the second loan to be created, instead of simply making a new mortgage and throwing out the original mortgage. 

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Ali Roshanravan Ali Roshanravan


Examples of documents that need to be notarized:

Proof of loss: for insurance claim or auto accident certified copy of an original document.

Some Examples of documents that need to be notarized:

  • Proof of loss: for insurance claim or auto accident certified copy of an original document.

  • Travel consent: where one parent wants to take children for vacation without the other parent – the destination jurisdiction and/or airline determine the requirement for this.

  • Letter of invitation: to bring a friend or family member to Canada to visit for vacation – immigration rules apply

  • A statutory declaration: for any purpose required by a statute of Canada

  • An affidavit: to attest to the truth of a statement – usually for court purposes

  • Various foreign documents – proof of life!

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Travel Ali Roshanravan Travel Ali Roshanravan

Wills and Estates

A will is a legal document left by someone who’s died. It lets the court know what to do with that person’s estate. Making a will is an important

A will is a legal document left by someone who’s died. It lets the court know what to do with that person’s estate

Making a will is an important part of planning for your family’s future. Having a clear statement of your wishes gives you some control over who gets what after you’re gone. And it helps your loved ones feel confident they’re carrying out those wishes. Knowing your intentions will save them time, stress and money at a difficult time.

If you die without a will, your property will be divided according to B.C. law, and the costs to administer your estate will increase. You’ll also be giving up the right to appoint the guardian of your choice for any children in your care.

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Ali Roshanravan Ali Roshanravan

Powers of Attorney

A power of attorney is the chief planning document used for giving another person (called your “attorney”) the legal


A power of attorney is the chief planning document used for giving another person (called your “attorney”) the legal authority to take care of your financial affairs for you, if you end up needing help in this area. (There are different types of powers of attorney, however an “enduring” power of attorney is the type that is used for prior planning for incapability. It continues in effect – or endures – if you become mentally incapable.)

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Relationships Ali Roshanravan Relationships Ali Roshanravan

Personal Planning Documents

Under BC laws, if you want to ensure that the person or persons of your choice are able to make decisions about your personal

Under BC laws, if you want to ensure that the person or persons of your choice are able to make decisions about your personal and health care if you become mentally incapable at some point in the future, you need to make a representation agreement. If you wish, you can also give your designated person(s) the authority to make decisions about your legal and routine financial affairs in your representation agreement (and, under current laws, also significant financial decisions such as the sale of your house).

Advance directives are a legal option for capable adults in British Columbia to do advance care planning to make their wishes known for their future health care treatment decisions. Advance care planning is the process of thinking about, and writing down, your wishes or instructions for future health-care treatment in the event you become incapable of deciding for yourself.

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Culture Ali Roshanravan Culture Ali Roshanravan

Affidavits and Statutory Declarations

An affidavit is a document that contains facts that you swear under oath or affirm are true. You can use an affidavit instead of giving evidence to the judge as

An affidavit is a document that contains facts that you swear under oath or affirm are true. You can use an affidavit instead of giving evidence to the judge as a witness. A good affidavit has just enough important information to help the judge make a decision. But there are strict rules about:

  • how it should be written,

  • what it can include, and

  • how it's sworn or affirmed.

Like an affidavit, a statutory declaration is a statement of facts made in writing. The statement is verified by the solemn declaration of the person making the statement. Statutory declarations may be required pursuant to various statutes. The form of a statutory declaration is mandated by the Canada Evidence Act and the British Columbia Evidence Act.

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Culture, Health Ali Roshanravan Culture, Health Ali Roshanravan


Authorization of Minor Child Travel, Letters of Invitation for Foreign Travel,…

  • Authorization of Minor Child Travel

  • Letters of Invitation for Foreign Travel

  • Passport Application Documents

  • Proof of Identity for Travel Purposes

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Travel Ali Roshanravan Travel Ali Roshanravan


Authentication and Legalization: Execution or Authentications of international documents make take various forms.


Authentication and Legalization: Execution or Authentications of international documents make take various forms.

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